To make an appointment, please call: Parish Office: Dr. Ann Getzinger: 334-4214 Ext. 132 E-mail: [email protected] Dr. Mary Ann Gnys: 334-4214 Ext. 232 E-mail: [email protected]
We are dedicated to bringing people to an understanding of God’s desire for their lives by effectively communicating the eternal truth of the Holy Catholic Church as contained in Sacred Scripture and Tradition. In this way, it is our hope all will be encouraged to live more fully the transforming power of God’s love.
Catholic-Christian Counseling and Healing, to put it simply, is a journey of powerful, nurturing support that is aimed at transforming people’s hearts, minds and spirits, and equipping them to live more fully and freely the Gospel way of life.
At Divine Mercy Counseling and Healing Center, we present a co-ministry approach of professional counseling techniques along with Spiritual gudiance and prayer that seeks to heal and restore the whole person and provide them with the means to live in the Truth and Power of God’s Word through the Church, the Sacraments, and the grace of the Holy Spirit.
The Divine Mercy Counseling and Healing Center offers help dealing with a wide variety of personal and family issues such as: - Anxiety, doubt, a lack of self-understanding - Struggles with matters of faith - Alcohol-and drug-related issues - Codependency - Post-Abortion Healing - Marriage and family problems: including children and teens - The feeling that life is no longer worthwile - Personal illness or illness of another - Loneliness and insecurity -Sexual abuse - Recovery from divorce - Loss of a family member - Job-related stress - Depression
Our Goals are to encourage our brothers and sisters to consider both their own needs as well as the needs of those around them and then empower them to translate the insights they have gained into responsible and healthy action: - Communication with God and each other - Listening to God - Learning to listen to others - Identifying need and values - Emotional expression - Being forgiven and learning to forgive - Learning to deal with shame and guilt - Learning to trust - Respect for self and others - Accepting responsibility - Learning to be accountable - Anger management - Relaxation and stress management - Understanding differences between males and females - Learning to be assertive - Decision-making - Problem solving with Emotional bonding and Sexual bonding
Asking for help is hard for us to do. We want to solve problems ourselves. But when you or someon you know is hurting, where do you turn? Jesus Christ loves us so much. He wants to heal our hurts and free us from the bondage we experience. The Holy Spirit wants to illuminate the darkness inside us and show us how to become the people God created us to be.
A Catholic Christian Counselor along with a member of the Clergy can help. When we ask the Lord to direct a counseling or healing prayer session then it is God’s Will that we seek to discern and follow. It is God’s healing that we encounter.