We are Catholic Men who: Lead, Serve, Protect and Defend. We share a desire to be better Husbands, Fathers, Sons, Neighbors, and Role Models. And to put Charity & Community FIRST!
We serve the Parish as Choristers, Cantor, Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, Lectors, Ushers, and Hosts at Coffee & Donuts. We help as Cooks and Servers for the Mathew 25:35 Ministry and at Parish Functions such as Lenten Dinners & Parish Picnics. We raise money to help support the church with donations for flowers at Christmas & Easter, and we help with the purchase of new equipment.
We support the greater community through different activities such as the Tootsie-Roll Drive, where we collect money for Handicapped Citizens, and the ASAP Program - Aid And Support After Pregnancy.
Knights of Columbus Council # 8048 also provides the annual Church Calendar.
Paul O'Malley Knights of Columbus Council 8048 Grand Knight