BaptismKindly call the parish office to arrange for instruction. Please download and fill out these forms for Baptism, and send them by email or bring them into the parish office.
ConfirmationConfirmation instruction is done weekly in the parish. Kindly contact Greg Cannata, the Director of Family Life and Faith Formation, to register your youth for sacramental preparation. Email: [email protected]. Phone: 772-334-4214 x117
Anointing of the Sick & FuneralsTo request the Sacrament of Anointing for a friend or loved one, kindly call the parish office. Families may arrange for funerals at St. Martin's through the funeral home.
Holy Orders / VocationsYoung men or women interested in the priesthood or religious life are kindly invited to speak to one of our priests or deacon regarding discernment of their vocation.